In this installment of Epstein Becker Green’s “Class Action Avoidance” webinar series, attorney Paul DeCamp discusses wage and hour issues that could arise from transitioning out of the work-from-home reality so many businesses have faced and into the return-to-work phase.
Employers across the country should focus on creating a safe working environment. Certain states and localities have required that employers bringing employees back to the workspace provide or pay for any mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE), including thermometers, gloves, and masks. Additionally, employers should be aware of the time employees take for self-screening and employer-provided screening, such as temperature checks, questionnaires, and handwashing upon arrival.
This webinar focuses on a workforce’s return to offices, plants, laboratories, stores, warehouses, or other facilities, reminding employers that they should keep in mind a number of important issues that, if mishandled, could give rise to costly and distracting class litigation.
Watch the webinar below, on our website, or on YouTube. Learn more about the full Class Action Avoidance Series here.