- Posts by James G. PetrieMember of the Firm
Employers across numerous industries rely on attorney Jim Petrie to represent them in employment-related disputes and litigation, including allegations of discrimination or harassment and wrongful termination.
Jim mediates ...
Beginning April 9, 2025, Ohio employers will be legally required to give employees access to their paystubs. Citing transparency, accountability, and fairness in the workplace, the Ohio General Assembly unanimously passed the the Paystub Protection Act (PPA), which requires Ohio employers to issue paystubs, either electronically or via hard copy, to all employees on regular paydays that include the:
- Names of the employee and employer;
- Employee’s address;
- Employee’s total gross wages during the pay period;
- Employee’s total net wages during the pay period;
- Amount and purpose of each addition or deduction to wages; and
- Dates of the pay period.
For hourly employees, the following three additional items are required:
- Total hours worked;
- Hourly rate; and
- Hours worked in excess of 40 hours in one workweek.
Earlier this month, Governor Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill (SB) 47, which formally adopted sections of the Portal-to-Portal Act (Portal Act) amendments to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), exempting employers from paying overtime under certain circumstances. SB 47 also eliminates so-called “hybrid” collective/class actions for Ohio plaintiffs by adopting the FLSA’s “opt-in” requirement for individuals seeking to join a wage and hour lawsuit on Ohio state law claims for failure to pay overtime. The law takes effect on July 6, 2022.
Portal-to-Portal Act
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